Interacting with occupants and equipment, we implement systems that control building environments.
Throughout my childhood, I always had an interest in electronics. I would dismantle radios, TVs, various other things I really shouldn't have, just to get an understanding of what was going inside. Fortunately for me, they nearly all went back together and sometimes even worked!
As I progressed through secondary school, wherever possible I opted for subjects that had elements of electronics involved - IT, Physics, even GCSE Electronics. When I finished A-levels, I decided that I didn't want to go to university and would far sooner join the world of work to further my interests in a hands-on environment. I found an advert for a position at Total Control in the local Careers Centre - I can't remember the detail of what it said, but it seemed intriguing. A little bit of research at the local library (this was before the internet was a really big thing), gave me an understanding of what BMS was; I took this understanding to the interview and the rest is history. More than 20 years later, I still get to take things apart, but I'm much better now at getting them back together and working.
Our industry has always been quite niche - trying to explain to people what you do for a living can take some time. However, over the last few years in particular, people are showing greater interest in home automation and sustainability. Consumer products like Hive and Nest, alongside apps like IFTTT are becoming commonplace and helping to drive an understanding of how sensors, systems and drivers influence an environment.
So, what has this meant for BMS? Well, in my opinion BMS is coming out of the shadows of its niche and becoming more relevant and important for end users, developers and M&E contractors alike. More consideration is given as to how the BMS can read this, or the BMS can drive that. The message that the BMS can manage all of your building is getting through.
The technology involved in the industry is constantly moving forward, giving new ways to benefit clients and improve facilities, whilst monitoring and reducing energy usage. Working with HVAC plant manufacturers, their product enhancements go hand-in-hand with our product enhancements to constantly strive toward the ultimate building.
Oh, and one other thing, communication protocols - I love a new communication protocol...
Looking back over the past 20 years, Total Control has grown in stature and standing amongst its peers. When I first started in 1999, we were UK National dealers of the Alerton product and worked on some good jobs, but just not enough of them. Through business changes at supplier level, we added Trend and supplemented this with Siemens.
Having options provided opportunity to work with new clients and give existing clients more choice - this helped the company expand significantly. That said, without an almost constant stream of apprentices bolstering the team, we wouldn't have the ability to deliver - the most important attribute of the business.
We're now at a point where we are putting systems together for the next generation of BMS, our newest partner Schneider will be involved in this journey.
I'm looking forward to the next 20 years and the changes that may bring.
An inquisitive mind and a strong team work ethic.
I've sat in several interviews where we've asked an experienced engineer questions such as "Why would you put that sensor there?" or "Why would you apply that setpoint to that system?" If the answer is "Because that's what I was told to do", then it immediately rings alarm bells. We are looking for people who ask questions, consider the answers and apply the correct solution - not people who do just what they are told to. I'm more likely to be impressed by an intelligent question than a textbook answer.
We have several different departments at Total Control, all doing their bit to deliver a complete solution. Each department is a team, and it's crucially important that any new recruit is ready and keen to be part of a team. As they progress through their career at Total Control, it's quite likely they will spend time in different departments and in new teams; relationships are built within each of them. I'm proud to say I have not just colleagues, but also close friends across every department in the business.
Team work, collaboration and friendships are part of what makes us Total Control.
At Total Control, we are really proud of our apprentices, their passion for what we do and their determination to learn, develop and succeed in their careers. Our apprentices are fundamental to our continuing success and their consistent, innovative and fresh approaches ensure that we're always at the top of our game.
Total Control has a number of career pathways. We will support you to achieve through every stage of your career development.
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